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Piedmont Handgunners Association
The Friendliest Shooting Club In North Carolina

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PHA Members Store

Store Information


If you need a another size or something different, ie. name added, words omitted, different design on the front than on the back, etc., contact the Store Manager. Children's sizes are available (6-month-Youth XL).


You will be notified via email when your items are ready. You will be given a date when you can pick them up at the PHA Range. There are no shipping fees for items being picked at PHA Range. If you want your items mailed via USPS, there will be an additional charge. $11 covers up to a combination of two t-shirts/caps. There will be an additional $11 charge for each sweatshirt and/or hoodie. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Nancy Mueller before placing your order.

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