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Piedmont Handgunners Association
The Friendliest Shooting Club In North Carolina

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2023 range Rules

PHA is a non-profit organization formed of like-minded individuals who realize the importance of having a safe and accessible place to shoot. Our location is well suited, and significant planning has gone into making our ranges as safe as possible. But we have neighbors. We’ve been here since 1979, but one lapse in judgment from a bad shot could potentially close us down. Because of this, it is of utmost importance that members abide by our safety rules.

Piedmont Handgunner’s Association Range Rules

Attention All PHA Members.

The PHA Board of Directors is pleased to inform you that the PHA Range Rules have been updated. We have simplified several Range Rules and tried to make them easier to understand. We also addressed the area around the new gate.

First, you will notice that the Range Rules are now in two sections. The Range Rule numbering starts with an “S” or a “G.”

The “S” prefix is a significant safety rule, especially near the firing line areas. Violating these rules on or around the firing line could result in serious injuries. Some of these rules cover all facilities and property on PHA grounds.

The “G” prefix means these general rules may not apply to the firing line areas but must still be followed.

You may click on the link below to view and/or download a copy of the updated Range Rules.


We have now added Caliber Restriction information as part of the Range Rules. This will provide information on what ammunition can be used at each range. Each member must know this information so that metal targets are not damaged or destroyed.

You may click on the link below to view and/or download a copy of the Caliber Restrictions.


You can click the link below to view and/or download your copy of the Range Rules and the Caliber Restriction information in one document.


Please contact the Range Officer or any PHA Board member if you have any questions.

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