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Piedmont Handgunners Association
The Friendliest Shooting Club In North Carolina

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2024 High-Power rifle match
FEATURING NRA approved matchES

2024 PHA High-Power Matches

NRA Approved Matches

2024 High-Power Dates: 
25 May, 22 June, 27 July,
24 August, 28 September, 26 October.

2024 Vintage Match Dates:
27 January, 24 February,
27 April, 23 November

23 March Vintage Canceled

PHA will begin its 2024 High Power season with Vintage Military Matches in January, February, March, and April. We will start NRA HP matches in May and run through October. The November match will be our last Vintage match of the year. All matches will be held on the 4th Sat of the month, with our times the same as in the past (set-up begins at 0800- 0815, a safety briefing (MANDATORY) at 0845 or as soon as the set-up is complete, and match scheduled to start at 0900.


The Vintage matches will be 30 rounds (possibly increased to 40 occasionally), with two matches held back-to-back each Saturday. Competitors may use the same rifle or change for the second match. As in the past, vintage shooters will have priority over modern shooters, if necessary, due to limited firing positions. It will be the Match Director’s decision to have two relays if there are enough competitors to warrant and time permits. The competitors will be divided as close to equal as possible for relays 1 and 2. All firing will be on the NRA 200-yd (SR) target fired at 200-yds. Equipment, ammo, and positions will follow CMP Vintage Match rules. The rules can be found on the CMP website. Please note that CMP has changed some rules, which can be found on their site as well. If there is a 40-rd course for one of our matches, we may add a different position: sitting or kneeling.

The January/February match will depend on our sometimes strange NC weather and the number of competitors. We want to ask anyone who plans to attend to email the Match Directors in advance, if possible, so that if enough people are attending, we can make it known on the PHA website and send out an email announcement. Our January match will be two courses of 30 rounds each.


NRA matches at PHA will be Approved and scheduled as 50-round matches following all NRA HP rules. The match will consist of ten rounds of standing SF, ten rounds of sitting RF, ten rounds of prone RF, and 20 rounds of prone SF. Some of the 2024 matches may be changed to 80 rounds for the match (20 rounds at each position) at the discretion of the Match Directors, but advanced notice will be given. Our October match will be an 80-round match. Information will be available on the PHA website from the NRA Match Bulletin, which will be posted later, pending approval from the NRA. As with CMP match rules, NRA rules governing HP matches may be found on their website.

Any questions or suggestions may be sent to the Match Directors through the PHA website under the HP drop-down menu.

We look forward to a great and fun season for this New Year. Please shoot safely and enjoy our sport.

Wayne and Neil


Dates: 25 May, 22 June, 27 July, 24 August, 28 September, 26 October 2024
Sponsor: Piedmont Handgunners Association
Location: PHA Range, 10346 NC Hwy 150, Churchland, NC (see website for directions)
Eligibility: Competition is open to all
Entry Fees: PHA Members………..$15.00
(Special note: All juniors shoot their first match of the year free)

Entries: Accepted from 0800 until MANDATORY safety briefing (approx 0845)
Start Time: First relay will be called to the line at 0900.
Note: PHA rules state that competitors for any club match must be present for the safety
briefing. Failure to arrive in time to attend the briefing (approximately 0845) will result
in not being allowed to participate in the match.

Gate Entry:
Non-members will need to email the match director for directions on getting through the gate. 

Match schedule and conditions:
The course of fire will be 50 rounds fired at 200 yds using NRA approved target to
simulate National Match Course. Sighters will be fired during a sight in period prior to
the first stage of the match for each relay. The match will be an unsquaded, individual
match, fired at stationary targets. Rifles must conform to all NRA rules (3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2,
and 3.3) for High Power Matches for Service rifles, Match rifles, and all other rifles
currently accepted by NRA Rules. The match on 28 October will be the Club
Championship and will an 800 aggregate: 20 rds at each stage.

Stage 1: 10 rds slow fire standing in 10 minutes (SR target)
Stage 2: 10 rds rapid fire sitting in 60 seconds (SR target)
Stage 3: 10 rds rapid fire prone in 70 seconds (SR-42 target)
Stage 4: 20 rds slow fire prone in 20 minutes (MR-52 target)

Note: Block time will be used for prep period and firing for record during SF stages

Classification: NRA classification system will be used (Section 19)

Awards: Awards will be Certificates given to Match winner. Additional awards may be given at
the discretion of the Match Director based on number of competitors and other factors.

Contact: Neil C. Evans, Jr. or PHA web site:

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